Sunday, December 14, 2008
James is Walking!!!
Adam & I initially said we would "meet up" again in July and discuss the issue, but it really is just going to depend on finances and his school. Obviously we don't want to go broke so we really just need to make sure we have all our ducks in a row.
Any ways, James turns 1 on December 31! I'm very very excited, but also sad. It's like he's not really a baby any more!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and has a very blessed Christmas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
"Hey man whats up, never mind, I know whats up and I can help you take care of it man."
I was like, OMG, what did I just dial? So I went to a website that tells you what your phone number spells and the number I dialed spelled:
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Four Generations
My YiaYia, Mom, Me & James
My YiaYia, Aunt Phyllis, Mom, Me, James
(James was laughing at my Dad banging on Adam's head LOL)
Any ways, Adam's birthday was yesterday and he is now the big 2-5. He had to work which was no fun, but thanks to my good friend Rachel who babysat James, we got to go to dinner and a movie last night. We went to see Max Payne. It's not my kind of movie but it was still pretty good. I'm glad Adam got to do something fun for his birthday. :-)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Our Beach House and New Pics of James
This is my mom pointing at the water level downstairs. She's just over five feet tall, so the water got to about 7 feet.
This is my Dad's boat ON the dock. Also, not our white chair before the storm, but if it's in good shape, we'll keep it!
This is how my parents found the downstairs. Obviously, it wasn't this way before the storm.
On a lighter note, I have taken some really cute pics of James!!! There is one of James @ the park and one him on his new toy!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Our house is fine. A few trees went down on the line between our house and the Oggero's, but they fell toward the street and no damage was done. We are extremely lucky we sit up on a hill, because a lot of people in the neighborhood behind us got many feet of water in their homes. We feel extremely blessed to have made it thru the storm and that we have such a happy, easy-going baby who wasn't at all bothered by the whole mess!
A few days after the storm passed, lucky me, I got a stomach virus. Ugh. But I am over that now and am feeling better. So much better that I played baseball with the kids on the street yesterday. I scored twice, yay! Our house is used as 3rd base. Lol. I LOVE our neighborhood!
Adam is going to California today for training @ his new job. I am very sad but I hope he has a good time & learns a lot.
I will post more as I get more organized, but I hope every one is doing well and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Best Husband EVER!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Time Heals All Wounds?
"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." ~Harriet Beecher Stowe
I don't want to live this life knowing that I didn't do all I could to apologize. I know I have though. A few months ago I called her...just to see how she was doing and wish her well. I left a voicemail. I guess it was wishful thinking that she would call me back. It's worse that she won't even acknowledge my existence. I feel stupid for caring. It would be so much easier to not care. So much easier. And please don't tell me to let go, because believe me I want to. It's just not that easy.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back on Track
After I had James the baby weight started flying off...for about 6 weeks. Then it stopped and I started eating junk food again. Shame on me! Any ways, I'm back on track to losing weight. I don't consider it a diet because diets don't work...just a lifestyle change. I pretty much started focusing on Monday. Being extremely conscious of what I eat and how much I eat. I've already lost 4 lbs. That's a testament to how much junk food I was eating. LOL.
Any ways, I use this really neat program online called Fit Day ( It's free and you can plug in what you're eating and how much and it figures your calories (or you can create custom foods and enter the information in yourself). And it tracks your weight and your weight loss goal and how much weight you need to lose per week to meet your goal. It also tracks your activities and creates graphs and a bunch of neat stuff. My favorite is when you look at my goal graph and it shows the line of my goal (x lbs by x date) and then it shows my actual weight line and it's plummeting. Awesome. LOL.
So, any how, I just wanted to share that with every one because I'm really excited.:-)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Good Times...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
She is the Queen of Bitchy Letters...
Precious Jessica-
I read your blog this morning and it made my heart ache and my eyes tear. I know and feel your hurt. Justin has been gone a very long time. He is at a different place in his life. You all may never be close again. Speaking from recent experience, you will always have a bond and through distance love still remains. When we have children our sense of family strengthens. We "get it." We want everyone we love to feel what we love. We want everyone we love to know the joy of family and our faith. We want them to want to be with us and celebrate just being together. Just love him for who he is. Pray for him that he may one day know the happiness you know. Pray for peace for yourself and soothing of the hurt you are feeling now. Be thankful for the time you have these few days to share with him for in the blink of an eye that opportunity can vanish. Continue being who you are and hopefully he too will some day "get it."
I love you so much. You are one of the most important people in my life. You are a fantabulous mother and wife. We are all works in progress and you are the most beautiful work I have ever seen. I thank God for you daily and always pray for you as I have since before you were born. I am humbled and honored to have you as my daughter, friend, wife to my son and mother to my grandson.
I love you-
*Love you too, Mom*
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Some things never change.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My Bestie & The Origin of Bananas
See, Bananas.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A New Beginning
Those who knew me years ago probably know that I wasn't very religious. Not that I am incredibly religious now, but I am learning about my faith. I know that not every one will understand my beliefs and that's okay.
I can't quote bible verses or tell you all the stories. I probably couldn't even write an outline at this point. But I hope that in time I will get better at applying His word to my life. Right now, I am just a work in progress. And when I am done and have served my purpose, I will be complete.
"Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees. " ~Victor Hugo