Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back on the Blog

Okay, so I was MIA for a while but now I'm back. Things here have been good. We just put in laminate floors and I will post pics as soon as our house doesn't look like a bomb went off in it. I promise to update soon. XOXO

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Motherly Behavior?

I understand that every mother needs a break. Believe me. Totally there with you. But I'm really tired of seeing Moms that aren't doing their best to support their kids (be it by working, taking care of the home/kids, etc) and going out partying. Maybe because I was never into that scene I don't really have the desire to go out and party, but I really think that once you become a mom, staying out until 2 a.m. getting drunk/high is really inappropriate and incredibly irresponsible. Every mom should have time to go out with girlfriends for sure, but by "go out" I mean, grab a movie, dinner, coffee, etc. You know, things that won't involve you asking "What did I do last night?" after you wake up hungover.
And I am so incredibly tired of seeing single mothers have like, a million boyfriends (not simultaneously, I mean, like, one after another). Single mothers should definitely be able to date. I mean, every one deserves to be happy. But if I were in that situation, I would never introduce my kid to them, atleast not until it was really serious, like, a big rock on my finger. Sure, they could meet him as "Mommy's Friend." But not like your boyfriend. And don't have your kids call them "Dad." First of all, what a giant blow to their real dad. And secondly, there is no guarantee that someone your sleeping with is going to stick around, so don't put your kids through that. Have I been watching too much Maury?
I just can't help but wonder how these kids are going to turn out. (And we wonder why the world is going to hell in a handbasket.) I just feel like it's so incredibly selfish to act this way. Of course, not every day is going to be rainbows and butterflies, but being a mother is the absolute greatest thing ever... and to waste your time out partying when you should be bettering your life so your kids can have a decent shot at being normal...that just sucks.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

James is Walking!!!

I really don't blog enough on here. I have a MySpace so I always post information on there, but I realize that not everyone uses MySpace so I will try to post on here more often. James is full-blown walking now. He walks any and everywhere and it is absolutely adorable. I definitely need to take some pictures of it...it's crazy to think that almost a year ago he was just born. This year has flown by. Call me crazy, but I already want another one. As much as a struggled with post-partum depression, after I got through it, it was totally worth it. :-) I want a girl. Not that I wouldn't be happy with a boy. But I want a girl.

Adam & I initially said we would "meet up" again in July and discuss the issue, but it really is just going to depend on finances and his school. Obviously we don't want to go broke so we really just need to make sure we have all our ducks in a row.

Any ways, James turns 1 on December 31! I'm very very excited, but also sad. It's like he's not really a baby any more!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and has a very blessed Christmas!


Monday, November 24, 2008


So, Adam locked my car this morning on accident and my keys were inside so I called OnStar to have them unlock my car. Well, I dialed what I thought was their number and this is what I heard:

"Hey man whats up, never mind, I know whats up and I can help you take care of it man."

I was like, OMG, what did I just dial? So I went to a website that tells you what your phone number spells and the number I dialed spelled:



Saturday, October 18, 2008

Four Generations

My YiaYia came into town this week to visit James for the first time. (She lives in North Carolina and it's hard for her to travel). Any ways, she came with my Aunt Phyllis and we had a good time. Although I did get a little annoyed at times because it was so draining to have them here, I'm really glad they came and got to see James. Here are some pics:

My YiaYia, Mom, Me & James

My YiaYia, Aunt Phyllis, Mom, Me, James

(James was laughing at my Dad banging on Adam's head LOL)

Any ways, Adam's birthday was yesterday and he is now the big 2-5. He had to work which was no fun, but thanks to my good friend Rachel who babysat James, we got to go to dinner and a movie last night. We went to see Max Payne. It's not my kind of movie but it was still pretty good. I'm glad Adam got to do something fun for his birthday. :-)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Our Beach House and New Pics of James

It's been too long since I blogged. A lot of people know that my family has a beach house so I just wanted every one to know how it fared thru Ike. The good news: it's still standing. The bad news: we need to do A LOT of clean up. My parents were able to go there one day a few weeks ago and it was pretty bad. They dug through some stuff and it was infested with bugs and snakes. We are going to go down there after there is power and water to clean up. My biggest fear is finding a body in all of it. Here are some pictures:

This used to be our side yard. Now, it's just a pile of rubble. Btw, that's not our paddle boat (well, I guess it is now, but it wasn't before).

This is my mom pointing at the water level downstairs. She's just over five feet tall, so the water got to about 7 feet.

This is my Dad's boat ON the dock. Also, not our white chair before the storm, but if it's in good shape, we'll keep it!

This is how my parents found the downstairs. Obviously, it wasn't this way before the storm.

On a lighter note, I have taken some really cute pics of James!!! There is one of James @ the park and one him on his new toy!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello! We finally have power! I hope all my friends and family out there finally have power & did well thru the storm. We lost power around 4 am Friday night (the 12th) and got it back the 20th. I never realized all the things I take for granted! I love washing clothes! LOL.

Our house is fine. A few trees went down on the line between our house and the Oggero's, but they fell toward the street and no damage was done. We are extremely lucky we sit up on a hill, because a lot of people in the neighborhood behind us got many feet of water in their homes. We feel extremely blessed to have made it thru the storm and that we have such a happy, easy-going baby who wasn't at all bothered by the whole mess!

A few days after the storm passed, lucky me, I got a stomach virus. Ugh. But I am over that now and am feeling better. So much better that I played baseball with the kids on the street yesterday. I scored twice, yay! Our house is used as 3rd base. Lol. I LOVE our neighborhood!

Adam is going to California today for training @ his new job. I am very sad but I hope he has a good time & learns a lot.

I will post more as I get more organized, but I hope every one is doing well and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.