Friday, September 5, 2008

Best Husband EVER!

So...Adam & I went to the mall tonight with the Oggeros. We all hung out for a few minutes but Megan & I wanted to go shopping and so did the boys so we split up. Megan and I went to a few stores while the boys did their own shopping. After Megan & I were done, we were going to meet the boys at the play area but when we got there George said Adam was in the bathroom. We figured since Adam wasn't there we could go kill a few more minutes in Macy's. (I found 2 shirts for $4.99 each!) Any ways, after we got done in Macy's we went back to the play area and met the guys. Since the mall was about to close we decided to leave. We walked out to the car and Adam asked if I could strap James into his carseat. Well, after I strapped him in, I went to sit down and there was a little gold giftwrapped box in my seat with a bow on it. I opened the box and there was a little black velvet box. I opened it and there was the most beautiful ring in it EVER! He is so sweet. He knew I had been wanting this ring for like, a year and he got it for me!!! I LOVE IT!


Here is a pic of my ring:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should've showed that to the ATT individual. :)